Wednesday, 15 January 2025

The Gimp. Getting started with Gimp: Editing landscape pictures

 This post is to give you the main instructions to start with Gimp

You can find some videos that explain the use of some of some tools tools of the program Gimp2

You will have to instal the program on your home computer. 

Learn first: 

  • How to organize the working area
  • How to find all the tools (tool box)
  • How to prepare the main windows (undo hystory, layers, tool options,...)
  • How to save: where to save, file format (= extension name)
  • How to export: image formats, (=extension name: png, jpg, gif,...)
  • How to use the OneDrive tool to save your projects or images

Video 1: Clone tool, Perspective tool, cropping tool. How to save, how to export and how to add a folder to the program when you are using it as a frequent place to save documents.

I apologize for the quality of the video. It is recorded with Teams and has some cuts on the sound and image

Videos 2 and 3 (the complete tutorial has two parts) :  it explains how to fix inclined pictures using the Rotate tool. Normal and corrective mode. Try both. Save as and export as in different formats (extension name)


part 2: save and export

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Vector graphics: Getting started with Inkscape

👉 Remember to do the class activities: 41 & 42 : about print size and resolution in raster images and publish a new article on your blog with the explanation... label it as raster images, print size, resolution

Vector Graphic images:

Use the program Inkscape to do execise 48 of the unit: inkscape activities for vector graphic generation: Swedish and European flags.

step by step tutorial for the Swedish flag, and European flag

You can find here videos that explain how to do it:

To work with InkScape you can use the portable version (recomended) I sent to you or you could also download and install the desktop version from this link: inkscape

If you need to use win rar to extract or compress any document or folder you can use the given link. Download and install.  

👀 Inkscape exercises: European and Swedish flags, plus another one of your choice. Publish the three flags, with your name on each of them in a new article of your blog

👀 Project 04: Poststage stamp: follow this tutorial to create your own stamp.  

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Digital Image year 24-25

After getting your blog ready, the new content is about the basics of Digital Image...

Download here the unit we are going to work with in class:  theme1. Digital Image I

Here you can find the second unit: Digital Image II
To download the program you have to visit the Oficial Gimp site

project 03.- Be sure you understand all the properties of the digital image and build a chart to represent all properties clear and visual...

An example can be a table with every charactiristic, a definition and an example of value and unit.

First part of the project: Publish  your work in a new blog article with the title: Digital image proporties and some labels to find the article easyly ... and upload the mind map with a pdf format in your virtual space task.

Second part of the project: Meaningful question of the content you have leartn. Publish this question in a nice way on the same article. 
Visit later some of your classmates blogs to read and comment their meaningful questions.

👉Deadline for the project03: Wednesday 27th November👈


Meaningful question  20/09/19  (by Carmen M. G. G.)
Regarding the pixels and the resolution...
What is the resolution of human eye? How many pixels can we perceive?
What are the limits of human vision? BBC article

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Digital Security. Project 2



Publish two blog articles with complete information about two different security issues (below you have several situations to analize and solve, chosse two). 

Each of the articles has to contain:

  • The problem description. The name and definition of the item, 
  • Good links to find information about the problem and solution
  • Five good tips to avoid or solve the problem
  • A form to collect votes about the best tip you have given
  • A chart that shows the online results of the form
  • Include labels on the articles (security, cyber security,forms, chart, excel)

Then include on the article the form to collect votes about your tips and a chart to show the results online

Allow comments on the two articles too,

Part2: Visit your classmates blogs, read the tips and vote for one
            Write a comment about the tips, the form and how the chart shows or not the online results


  1. I have recently received emails and instant messages that look legitimate at first glance. These messages come with URLs that prompt you to input your personal information. In turn, I think It will steal my credentials and use them to access my accounts and personal data.
  2. I think my telephone has a type of malicious software that makes me believe that my cell has a virus. Sometimes, it will fool me into believing that my security measures are old. In turn, they offer new updates for my security settings. So I do not know what to do… 
  3. I have opened an email sent by a friend and clicked on a link that looked legitimate and harmless. Once i opened the attachment, it automatically downloads software to my computer. I do not know what has happened and how to fix it
  4. I always use the same password for all my accounts and applications. I do not like to use complicated passwords because it is difficult to remember and too long. What do you think?.... 
  5. My mobile phone is asking me to install my operating system update but I do not feel like to do so… Do you think it is really important to update it, why?
  6. My brother always uses public conections, like public libraries or cultural centers, to do his online works. He has an important job and manage sensible information about clients and business. I think this is not a good idea to use public wi-fi connections to do so… What do you think and why…
  7. I like online games and spend all my spare time playing on the computer and phone. I even prefer playing over going out with family or friends. My parents are all time telling me to organize better my time but I think it is my hobby and does no harm on me…. What do you think and why….




The  articles with all the requirements (part1) have to be ready by Tuesday 12 November.

After that every student have to visit 7 blogs, read one of the articles and vote for a tip (part2)

 Eval Criteria: 3.1, 3.2, 3.2 and 2.3

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Build your own computer

 Once you have published and prepared your blog... the first project is to publish a group of new posts on your blog. The objetive is to offer your readers the guide and intormation to assemble their own computer.

Basic structure of posts:

  • General information with all componenents and links for other pages with detailed information
  • One single post per component with detailed description and posibilities. With advice
    • motherboard
    • CPU
    • hard disk
    • ...
    • ...
    • ...
  • One suggestion with a complete assambling pack and price

  • pictures
  • links (from the general article to the rest of them)
  • link to component shops
  • videos
  • same type of font and format for all articles
  • include lables (hardware, PC, computer, ...) in each of the articles

Evaluation Criteria: 
CE 1.3
CE 2.2 & 2.3

Closing date: 18th October

Web resources:

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Are you Blogging?

Yes, I am, and what about you?

Here you have the keys to create a new blog.
Obviosly you need, at first a GMAil account because you are going to make it using the Goggle Platform.
To get started with blogger:

1. Create a google account.
2. Create a blog. Pay attention to the name of your blog, and choose a template.
3. Follow the instructions to publish a post.

From the moment you have your blog created, send a mail to the teacher with the URL of the blog. You do not need to have everything finished to send the link. You can going on improving it later.

Look at these requirements that your work has to meet:
  • Publish your blog and check...
  • Remember your Blog address or the way to search for it!!
  • Choose a Template... 
  • Configuration... Change the language to English 
  • Include Labels on the articles
  • Add your favicon, and a nice header with photo...
  • Learn the difference between Articles and  pages...
  • Include a pos with photos and links
  • Include an article with embed video or/and embed audio
  • Include also a link on an article or a page
  • Learn the difference between page menu and labels
  • Create three stable pages with important information: About me, About my blog(s), Important info, and publish them as a menu
  • No comments allowed on pages...
  • Revise the Setting Options (Configuration). 
  • Be sure you know how to add images, links, videos,
  • Evaluate your blog and improve it up to get the best of it ...
  • Check your blog link is correct on the teacher's blog

Tie your boots and come on!

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Table of content on blogger

Create a table of content with information about your blog projects and links to your blog article.

Include also a link to your classmates blog articles.

Here you have the html code to create a link

<a href="" target="_blank">myblog</a>

 Here you have the code to add a simple table with some content on it:

<div class="table">
  <table style="white-space: nowrap;">

.table {
    display: block;
    overflow-y: hidden;
    overflow-x: auto;
    scroll-behavior: smooth;
 .table thead {
    display: table-header-group;
    vertical-align: middle;
    border-color: inherit;
    color: white;
    background: darkcyan;
tr {
    display: table-row;
    vertical-align: inherit;
    border-color: inherit;
 table th {
    padding: 16px;
    text-align: inherit;
    border-bottom: 1px solid black;
  tbody {
    display: table-row-group;
    vertical-align: middle;
    border-color: inherit;
 table:not(.tr-caption-container) {
    min-width: 100%;
    border-radius: 3px;

And here you have the result. With this you may adapt the information inside, using the blog html tool


No Column_1 Column_2 Column_3 Column_4 Column_5
1 Abhishek myblog 90

coeff of friction poster

2 Udit Narayan 95 98 99
3 Rohit Myproject99999 90 93 89

Final Project: Publish a final article on your blog with the highlights of the year

On your article you have to include:

- At least 3 or 4 of your best projects of the year with the author, the link to get to it and the topic or comment about it

- Al least 3 or 4 of the projects by any of your class mates. Link, author and topic

- Present the list of projects on a nice table

- Minimum number of projects on the table: 7

- Do not repeat project or student

- Include labels: project, best, summing up, table,