Thursday 3 October 2024

Build your own computer

 Once you have published and prepared your blog... the first project is to publish a group of new posts on your blog. The objetive is to offer your readers the guide and intormation to assemble their own computer.

Basic structure of posts:

  • General information with all componenents and links for other pages with detailed information
  • One single post per component with detailed description and posibilities. With advice
    • motherboard
    • CPU
    • hard disk
    • ...
    • ...
    • ...
  • One suggestion with a complete assambling pack and price

  • pictures
  • links (from the general article to the rest of them)
  • link to component shops
  • videos
  • same type of font and format for all articles
  • include lables (hardware, PC, computer, ...) in each of the articles

Evaluation Criteria: 
CE 1.3
CE 2.2 & 2.3

Closing date: 15th October

Web resources:

Thursday 12 September 2024

Are you Blogging?

Yes, I am, and what about you?

Here you have the keys to create a new blog.
Obviosly you need, at first a GMAil account because you are going to make it using the Goggle Platform.
To get started with blogger:

1. Create a google account.
2. Create a blog. Pay attention to the name of your blog, and choose a template.
3. Follow the instructions to publish a post.

From the moment you have your blog created, send a mail to the teacher with the URL of the blog. You do not need to have everything finished to send the link. You can going on improving it later.

Look at these requirements that your work has to meet:
  • Publish your blog and check...
  • Remember your Blog address or the way to search for it!!
  • Choose a Template... 
  • Configuration... Change the language to English 
  • Include Labels on the articles
  • Add your favicon, and a nice header with photo...
  • Learn the difference between Articles and  pages...
  • Include a pos with photos and links
  • Include an article with embed video or/and embed audio
  • Include also a link on an article or a page
  • Learn the difference between page menu and labels
  • Create three stable pages with important information: About me, About my blog(s), Important info, and publish them as a menu
  • No comments allowed on pages...
  • Revise the Setting Options (Configuration). 
  • Be sure you know how to add images, links, videos,
  • Evaluate your blog and improve it up to get the best of it ...
  • Check your blog link is correct on the teacher's blog

Tie your boots and come on!

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Table of content on blogger

Create a table of content with information about your blog projects and links to your blog article.

Include also a link to your classmates blog articles.

Here you have the html code to create a link

<a href="" target="_blank">myblog</a>

 Here you have the code to add a simple table with some content on it:

<div class="table">
  <table style="white-space: nowrap;">

.table {
    display: block;
    overflow-y: hidden;
    overflow-x: auto;
    scroll-behavior: smooth;
 .table thead {
    display: table-header-group;
    vertical-align: middle;
    border-color: inherit;
    color: white;
    background: darkcyan;
tr {
    display: table-row;
    vertical-align: inherit;
    border-color: inherit;
 table th {
    padding: 16px;
    text-align: inherit;
    border-bottom: 1px solid black;
  tbody {
    display: table-row-group;
    vertical-align: middle;
    border-color: inherit;
 table:not(.tr-caption-container) {
    min-width: 100%;
    border-radius: 3px;

And here you have the result. With this you may adapt the information inside, using the blog html tool


No Column_1 Column_2 Column_3 Column_4 Column_5
1 Abhishek myblog 90

coeff of friction poster

2 Udit Narayan 95 98 99
3 Rohit Myproject99999 90 93 89

Final Project: Publish a final article on your blog with the highlights of the year

On your article you have to include:

- At least 3 or 4 of your best projects of the year with the author, the link to get to it and the topic or comment about it

- Al least 3 or 4 of the projects by any of your class mates. Link, author and topic

- Present the list of projects on a nice table

- Minimum number of projects on the table: 7

- Do not repeat project or student

- Include labels: project, best, summing up, table,

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Presenting the project: Scientific Poster


It is the moment to present your project. It is very common to use a poster with all the details to explain the whole project.

๐Ÿ“Some help to do the Poster with MS office PowerPoint 365:

  1. Prepare all information you are going to include on your poster: theoretical fundaments, charts, pictures, graphs, text (tittle, objective of the work, process, conclusions) 
  2. Include the basic paragraphs of a scientific poster [ content ๐Ÿ‘‡]
  3. You can use PowerPoint templates from this website  or this another one 
๐Ÿ‘‰Here you have the content


    Explain first what is the objective of the work: Figure out the coefficient of friction between to srufaces using experimental measurements with the mobile accelerometer... 
    Explain what the activity is about: Use the inclined plane to produce the movement and take measures of accelaration, angles… 
        Describe the process you have followed and all the programs (Phyphox, excel) you have used to do it..
    Find information and explain briefly about the main concepts you are going to work with:  Newton´s second law, coefficient of kinetic and static friction, incline plane movement, acceleration, mobile accelerometer,...

  • Show here the whole process step by step, showing the mobile data, the excel graphs, the explanation of everything you have found… The table of data...
  • Describe the experiments
  • You can include here information about the Charts, how to find the relevant information, the experimental measures you have taken… 

  • Analyze the results and draw conclusions 
  • Discuss the results, possible mistakes, ...
  • Explain what you have found using the researching work and discuss if it is what you expected…
  • Do a proposal for another researching work to go further or redesign the experiment if you think that could be better … 

๐Ÿ‘€ Watch these videos to learn how to use the templates with the PowerPoint 365. They are posters with different projects and content so pay attention only to the poster edition

First part of 3:


2 of 3:


 The last part:


Friday 15 March 2024

Coefficient of kinetic friction: Experimental measurement

 Let`s analyse now the experiment and conclusions to measure the cofficient of friction when the object is already moving on an inclned plane.

Here you have a sheet that explains the basic physic fundaments to understand the activity and some videos that may help you analysing the data given by the phyphox application, using excel.

๐Ÿ‘€Watch this second video and learn how to use excel to analyse all the exported data by the app phyphox.

And how to do the final calculation using the tendence line values is shown is this video ๐Ÿ‘€:

Coefficient of static friction: Experimental Measurement

 This is an experimental project where you are going to check some of the conceps you learnt in Phisics: The inclined plane movement.

You will calculate the coefficient of friction between to surfaces using the mobile phone as your instrument to take measurements... sheet with the basics

Here you have three videos that explain the activity:

1st video: The basics about Physic concepts applied & the use of the phyphox mobile app


 2nd video: Exporting the data to exel, reading the data and understanding the information given


 3rd video: Calculating the coefficient with several experiments

Monday 4 March 2024

Using the mobile like a Physics Laboratoty: Angles

 This is our new project!!

You are going to use your mobile phone sensors to take measurements and do Physics calculations.

To do so you will use the android app phyphox

Let us start with trigonometry measurements: activity phyphox01

Here you have the way to calculate the angle using your mobile accelerometersheet1

  1. Install the app on your mobile
  2. Take the measure of different angles
  3. build an excel spreadsheet to do the calculations  (use the excel in office365 to work together with your partner by sharing the same document)
  4. Organize the information on the spreadsheet so that to be printed 
  5. Upload both xlsx and pdf 
  6. Publish an article on your blog explaining the activity and results