Publish two blog articles with complete information about two different security issues (below you have several situations to analize and solve, chosse two).
Each of the articles has to contain:
- The problem description. The name and definition of the item,
- Good links to find information about the problem and solution
- Five good tips to avoid or solve the problem
- A form to collect votes about the best tip you have given
- A chart that shows the online results of the form
- Include labels on the articles (security, cyber security,forms, chart, excel)
Then include on the article the form to collect votes about your tips and a chart to show the results online
Allow comments on the two articles too,
Part2: Visit your classmates blogs, read the tips and vote for one
Write a comment about the tips, the form and how the chart shows or not the online results
- I have recently received emails and
instant messages that look legitimate at first glance. These messages come with URLs that prompt
you to input your personal information. In turn, I think It will steal my credentials and use them to access my accounts and personal data.
- I
think my telephone has a type
of malicious software that makes me believe that my cell has a virus. Sometimes, it will
fool me into believing
that my security
measures are old. In turn, they offer new updates for my security settings. So I do
not know what to do…
- I
have opened an email sent by a friend and clicked on a link that looked legitimate and harmless. Once i opened the attachment, it automatically downloads software
to my computer. I do
not know what has happened and how to fix it
- I always use the same password for all my accounts and applications. I do not
like to use complicated passwords because it is difficult to remember and too
long. What do you think?....
- My
mobile phone is asking me to install my operating system update but I do not feel like
to do so… Do you think it is really important to update it, why?
- My
brother always uses public conections, like public libraries or cultural centers, to do his online works. He has an
important job and manage sensible information about clients and business. I
think this is not a good idea to use public wi-fi connections to do so… What do
you think and why…
- I
like online games and spend all my spare time playing on the computer and
phone. I even prefer playing over going out with family or friends. My parents are all time telling me to organize better my time but I
think it is my hobby and does no harm on me…. What do you think and why….
The articles with all the requirements (part1) have to be ready by Tuesday 12 November.
After that every student have to visit 7 blogs, read one of the articles and vote for a tip (part2)
Eval Criteria: 3.1, 3.2, 3.2 and 2.3